trac 用户管理

bigzhu posted @ Oct 25, 2007 02:44:00 AM in python , 2943 阅读


Trac Error

Authentication information not available. Please refer to the installation documentation.

TracGuide – The Trac User and Administration Guide



trac-admin d:\trac11 permission --help


trac-admin d:\trac11 permission add TRAC_ADMIN bigzhu

这就添加了一个名字叫bigzhu 的admin角色用户


trac-admin d:\trac11 permission list



from optparse import OptionParser
import md5

# build the options
usage = “usage: %prog [options]“
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option(“-u”, “–username”,action=”store”, dest=”username”, type = “string”,help =”the username for whom to generate a password”)
parser .add_option(“-p”, “–password”,action=”store”, dest=”password”, type = “string”,help =”the password to use”)
( options, args) = parser.parse_args()

# check options
if (options.username is None) or (options.password is None):
parser.error(“You must supply both the username and password”)

# Generate the string to enter into the htdigest file
realm = ‘trac’
kd = lambda x: md5.md5(‘:’.join(x)).hexdigest()
print ‘:’.join((options.username, realm, kd([options.username, realm, options.password])))


生成密码.py -u bigzhu -p m123>> d:\trac11\digest.txt



D:\Python25\Scripts\tracd.exe -p 4444 –auth=trac11,d:\trac11\digest.txt,trac d:\trac11

启动,登陆,成功 说:
Jan 11, 2024 07:26:49 PM

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